There is a lot of information about the attractiveness of the human face, body size, voice, and even smell. However, what about the hand and wrists’ attractiveness?
I reached out to online forums and social media groups, asking men and women about how attractive are small wrists. Keep reading to see what they had to say.

Are skinny wrists attractive in women?
According to our independent research, women who have small wrists are more attractive to men. Some guys say that small wrists can indicate that women are more feminine and delicate.
Women who are more feminine typically have feminine faces, as well as feminine voices and smaller body frames.
According to the article published in the British Journal of Psychology, “men prefer more feminine females when rating for a short-term relationship and when they have a partner.”
In other words, guys prefer women who are soft. Having smaller wrists and hand size indicates feminine features.
Most of the guys don’t pay attention to the wrist size
Another interesting insight I got from interviewing people online is that wrist size is not something that guys look at (at least not in the beginning).
The most attractive body parts that men find in women are the eyes, breasts, mouth, and butt.
If you have small wrists, don’t worry as these are not a deal-breaker.
Small wrists mean lower body fat
In our survey, most of the guys responded that women with smaller wrists are more attractive to them. “There is a correlation between body fat percentage and wrist circumference,” says Greg, a n online forum moderator.
He says “From my experience, most skinny girls have skinny hands, legs, arms, and wrists.”
“On the other hand, women who have large wrist circumferences also happen to have a higher fat percentage (that also includes guys).”
Bigger wrist size means higher body weight
After conducting an aforementioned survey for Millennialhawk, I went down the rabbit hole to learn more about the correlation between wrist size and body weight.
One article published in the Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism has shown that “wrist circumference is a predictor of obesity in children and adolescents.”
Another study published in the AHA Journals has shown that “wrist circumference is a clinical marker of insulin resistance in overweight and obese children and adolescents.”
Are Small Wrists Attractive In Men?
According to the survey we conducted on popular social media forums, guys with bigger wrists look more attractive, compared to guys with small wrists.
Some women say that small wrists are an indicator of the person being fragile and weak, whereas bigger wrists indicate strength.
What does the research say about small wrists in men?
Assessing other people’s attractiveness based on their looks is nothing new.
According to the article published in Scientific Reports Journal, “hands and wrists are on top of the list of the most attractive body parts in men.”
The article states that “most women look at a man’s hands because it says a lot about him. Small wrists in men are unattractive because they indicate weakness and a lack of strength.”
“Guys who have strong forearms and wrists appear to be stronger and more powerful. These are the guys who usually do some sports like boxing, rock climbing, fighting, or grappling.”
Also, bigger wrists can be the result of years of lifting weights as well as having the right nutrition and hormonal balance.
Is it bad for guys to have a small wrist?
Some people may feel insecure when comparing their wrist circumference with their peers.
To be frank, in the survey we conducted, I haven’t seen any females complaining about their spouse’s wrist size.
How attractive are small wrists for women?
One thing that I learned from doing this type of survey people does not care about something unless you bring this to their attention.
A few days back I spend my afternoon scrolling social media forums about what they think about wrist size in men.
Before I will show the results, please keep in mind that almost women told me that men’s wrists size is something that they never thought about before.
(This means that they don’t really notice it unless you open your month).
Here are the results.
- 33% of women told me they do not care about the guy’s wrists size.
- Over 67% of females told me that they prefer guys with bigger forearms, arms, and wrists. The main reason for choosing guys with stronger wrists was that it indicates their strength and provides a sense of security.
Some girls told me that small wrists are unattractive because they look like someone has a hand of a small boy, rather than a masculine man.
I had a conversation with my wife about wrist size and attractiveness. She told me seeing a guy with small wrists is unattractive because it shows his weakness.
I won’t be covering here the details of how to get bigger wrists. I’ve already covered that in my article on how to increase wrist size, which I recommend you read.
Small wrists are not bad for guys.
“Having a small body frame has its advantages and disadvantages. Most people who have a smaller body frame also may have smaller wrists, height, or both,” says Kate, a social media influencer.
According to the Journal of Clinical Research in Pediatric Endocrinology, “wrist size is terminated by the genetic makeup, bone density, and physical activity that had been done during childhood and adolescence.”
In my personal life, I know people who had tiny wrists in their youth but were involved in combat sports throughout their adolescence.
As a result, some of my buddies not only transformed their body shape but also added size to their wrists.
I cannot tell you if that was genetic predisposition or the impact of combat sports (who knows…?)
In retrospect, I also know many people who weren’t physically active in their adolescence and spend most of their days behind the computer screen.
These guys don’t have powerful-looking wrists. (Again, not sure if that was predisposed or influenced by lack of physical activity.)
Which size wrists are more attractive?
As you can see, doesn’t matter how you cut it, taller people who have smaller wrists are considered as having small body frames. These folks have usually a lower fat percentage, which is an attractive feature.
One thing I can conclude is that having a 6-inch wrist or smaller is correlated with a lower body fat percentage and body frame size.
On the other hand, shorter people who have a bigger wrists circumference are considered as having a large body frame. These are usually the endomorphs with a significantly higher body fat percentage. In most cases, a higher body fat percentage is not attractive.
Why are small wrists unattractive?
For guys, the most attractive body parts that women find in men are big pecs, wide shoulders, muscular forearms, and six-pack abs. Having a smaller wrist is not that big of a deal.
However, keep in mind that women look at every detail.
I know at least a dozen of women who said that the first thing they look at in men is their hands. Apart from cleanliness, women like guys with bigger hands and wrists because it relates to masculinity.
Unfortunately, you cannot change your genes. You can, however, work on your bone density by training harder.
As you can see, most women do not pay attention to the size of the wrist. However, they do pay attention to the hand’s cleanliness and body frame.
Bigger guys who look lean and masculine will be more attractive, whereas skinny guys with small wrists will be less attractive.