Snacking on OMAD can be tricky because it does put you out of ketosis, however, what happens if yore really hungry? Today I will clarify to if you can eat snacks on OMAD, and if so, which ones are the best.

As a whole, you shouldn’t eat snacks on OMAD. However, if you’re feeling that staying all day with just one meal is too much of a stress, or eat a small snack or try to switch to a less demanding intermittent fasting approach. Adding one snack won’t make a significant change, but can help reduce stress.
In my opinion, you can get even better results if you will add some strategic snack during the day (more on that later).
Can I Snack During OMAD?
Technically, you cannot snack during OMAD because it will put you out of ketosis and can slow down your results. However, if you feel like you cannot sustain your lifestyle with one meal a day, then consider changing your approach to something less strict.
Just remember that it’s ok to eat something when you feel really hungry. There are plenty of other intermittent fasting methods that you can do and still be in a caloric deficit. And if you feel like you cannot cope with your day, it is much better to find approaches that will allow you to be consistent.

On the other hand, snacking on OMAD can be actually more psychologically healthy, than total restrains from the food. Especially if you’re having a long day or a tough workout, have something light halfway through. It doesn’t mean that you can snack every two hours.
It means that if you feel like you can sustain your energy and mood throughout the day much better by adding a light snack then that’s what you need to do.
You will lose weight anyway. Because even if you’re eating one meal and some light snack, you still are in a caloric deficit. Don’t worry about the rules.
OMAD and Snacking
To be honest, when I was doing OMAD, I had some days where I would snack here and there because I hate rules. Rules make your world smaller. And they can build up tons of anxiety, and stress, and sooner than you think, you’re burned out.
Imagine working in a company, where your boss sets some arbitrary rules. For instance:
You can only make 10 copies a day.
You have to start every day at 7:50 am.
You can only have one 45-minute break.
What if you’re running late and you will be 20-minutes late? Can you stay those 20-minutes later to make up for it? What if you have 15 people at the meeting, and you need more copies than 10? What if you decided to work out and take a quick shower during your break? Will 10 more minutes make a difference?
No. Those are the rules. 7:50. 10 copies. 45-minutes. How is that make you feel? Anxious? Stressed? Unmotivated?
That’s exactly how people feel when they are facing some arbitrary numbers like calories in, macronutrients ratio, or some other numbers. And of course, now it’s more of a “you must follow the rules” as an opposite to “doing what is best or right”.
Following the rules in some cases can work wonders. But for the majority of people, if you’re looking to create a long-term sustainable approach, rules aren’t the best option.
What Are Good Snacks To Have On OMAD?
Before I show you some snack ideas, remember to stay honest with yourself. Don’t use that as an excuse to gobble on food. Keep your snack healthy and use it to support your goals.
Also, don’t forget to ask yourself a question. Are you really hungry right now? Or is this something else?
Zero-Calorie Beverage
One of the tricks I’ve been using to stay away from snacking is a can of cold diet soda. Zero-calorie beverages help to satisfy cravings and kept me away from the food for a good chunk of time.
Check-in with yourself before you plan to snack. Ask yourself a question:
On a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is not hungry at all, and 10 is I’m the hungriest I’ve ever been, how hungry am I right now?
There is a lot of controversy about diet drinks, but the reality is that non of the reputable studies show that there is any correlation between diet soda and sugar levels.
Quantity matters. One or two can a day make a huge difference, but they can be extremely helpful in managing your cravings.
Eat Slowly
Another trick to help you stay fuller, even with a small snack is to eat slowly. When you stretch out your snack, you will feel fuller with less food.
It takes around 20-minutes for satiety hormones to fully communicate to your brain that you’re full. So if you extend the length, chew for longer, and take a rest between each bite, you won’t feel hungry anymore.
For instance, take 10 almonds (if you’re allergic to nuts, use raisins) and take 10 minutes to eat them. Seriously.
One minute per almond. This means you need to take time and chew them much longer than usual. It sounds crazy.
But try it.
This small, but extremely effective trick will get your satiety signals working and you will eat substantially less food.
Eating slowly you can also use it during your actual meal. Here is the handy checklist you can use.

Eat Protein
To suppress your cravings, choose a snack that has some proteins. Proteins take time to digest. They won’t affect your sugar levels. And will keep you fuller for longer.
Here also remember about the eating slowly rule. Even if the snack feels insignificant, it will make a difference.
Beef Jerky |
Mixed nuts |
Cottage cheese |
Boiled egg |
Peanut Butter |
Pumpkin Seeds |
Sunflower Seeds |
Those foods won’t add much of additional calories but can help you combat those hunger pangs.
When Is the Best Time To Snack On OMAD?
That leaves us with the important decision, when is the best time to snack on omad?
In my opinion, the best time to eat snacks will be around 12 pm to 2 pm.
Of course, it depends on your schedule, and on the actual time of your meal. From my experience, I usually have my meal between 4 pm and 6 pm. So, if I would do a small snack, ideally that would be maybe a couple of hours before my main meal.
Also it depends if you’re exercising or not. You want to make sure that your meal is after you workout. This way you will improve your insulin sensitivity and burn more fat.
Apart from that, physical activity is an appetite suppressant. This means if you are gonna do some low-intensity workout, it will lower your hunger pangs.
And sometimes all it takes is a short workout to get on with your day without feeling hungry.
Go Further with OMAD
In the following articles, I show you all the related aspects necessary to get started with OMAD and knowing what to eat for the best results.