OMAD before and after refers to comparison photos showing an individual’s physical appearance before starting the One Meal A Day (OMAD) diet and after a certain period on the diet. The most noticeable physical changes in OMAD before and after pictures usually include reduced body fat, more defined muscle tone, and often a slimmer face.
Men on OMAD often report quicker fat loss and muscle definition in their before and after OMAD diet photos, while women may experience slower but consistent weight loss and improved skin quality. There are numerous one-meal-a-day success stories, with individuals losing anywhere from 20 to 100 pounds, improving health markers, and even showcasing impressive before and after OMAD diet transformations.
The main challenges people face during their one-meal-a-day weight loss journey, especially when looking at OMAD before and after 3 months, include managing hunger, social eating situations, and maintaining nutrient-dense food choices. Typically, visible OMAD diet results can be seen within the first month (30 days), but the timeline varies based on individual metabolism, activity level, and consistency.
This article features 15 inspiring OMAD before-and-after pictures to showcase impressive weight loss results.
1. Lia
Lia is a woman who wanted to start fertility treatment but was initially unable to due to a high BMI. Lia stuck to the OMAD (One Meal A Day) plan for 20 weeks and saw awesome results. Besides weight loss, OMAD helped Lia qualify for a fertility treatment trial called LOCI, and now she’s 20 weeks pregnant.

Lia lost 4 stone in weight, but there aren’t specifics on muscle tone or skin clarity in the testimonial. Lia’s coach mentioned, “She started on 1B and never looked back, stuck to plan 100%,” which shows Lia was committed and saw it through.
2. BettyFit
BettyFit is someone who’s been through a 2-year fitness journey, focusing on OMAD (One Meal A Day) and various forms of exercise. She stuck to the OMAD diet for about 1 year during her calorie deficit phase. Besides weight loss, the non-weight-related perks she mentions include mental discipline, self-confidence, and a broader understanding of nutrition.

She lost 12 kg and gained muscle tone, particularly 3 kg of muscle in 4 months. Less obvious benefits? BettyFit talked about better organization and varying her workout routines—though she didn’t mention posture or skin texture specifically. As for struggles, she had to work on meal planning and making sure she got enough protein. “Even if the path seems long, it’s worth it,” she says, emphasizing the overall value of the OMAD approach.
3. Jia
Jia, which goes by jia.thejiant on her social media, is all about the one-meal-a-day weight loss journey. She stuck with the OMAD (One Meal A Day) diet for 2 months and dropped 22 lbs, going from 299 lbs to 277 lbs. Aside from weight, Jia is feeling happy and liberated, which is pretty dope if you ask me.

Jia experienced increased muscle definition because when you drop pounds, those muscles gotta pop a bit more. As for the skin, OMAD often helps clear things up since you’re not constantly spiking your insulin. Struggles? Jia had to fight off hunger pangs or cravings in the beginning and let’s not forget the social awkwardness of skipping meals when everyone else is chowing down.
4. Brandii
Brandii is someone who’s been on a weight loss journey, shedding an impressive 181.4 pounds, mainly through One Meal A Day (OMAD) and a ton of dedication. Brandii stuck with OMAD long enough to see substantial results, shedding over 181 pounds.

Brandii says, “This has been one of the most challenging life-changing things I have ever done physically and emotionally,” which kinda sums up the rollercoaster that is OMAD.
5. Michal
In the image below, you can compare my before-and-after photos from one month of practicing OMAD (One Meal a Day). I stuck with OMAD for just over a month, and it turned out to be one of the most impactful dietary experiments I’ve ever done.

I tried the OMAD (One Meal A Day) diet for slightly more than 30 days, and I must say it’s one of the most influential dietary journeys I’ve ever done. Besides shedding 18 pounds, I’ve experienced other benefits like improved concentration and increased energy levels.
6. Josie
Josie has been rockin’ the OMAD (One Meal A Day) lifestyle for a while now, really putting in the hours to make it work. Aside from shedding 25 pounds, she’s been building muscle and flexing some serious self-confidence.

When it comes to other changes, think of clear skin and improved muscle tone. And you know what else? Her posture’s gotten way better, and her skin is feelin’ smooth as silk. Now, as for struggles, the initial hunger pangs and social aspects of eating only once a day can be tough. She says “OMAD’s a game changer, but you’ve gotta stick with it to see the real magic happen.”
7. Mishy
Mishy is someone who is committed to making a change in their life, taking inspiration and advice from their personal trainer @bodybyjoey_pt, and hitting up their local gym.

Mishy stuck with OMAD for 10 months, from December 22 to October 23. Aside from losing weight, she mentioned feeling like a “different person,” which could imply improvements in energy levels, mood, or self-confidence.
Mishy is super proud of sticking to the OMAD routine, saying, “I am so proud I stuck to the advice” and “I learned so much what I was doing wrong all these years,” giving OMAD a big thumbs up.
8. Amy
Amy is someone who went through a significant weight loss journey, losing 7 stones, and is now preparing for plastic surgery to remove excess skin around her stomach. Amy has been on the one meal a day (OMAD) diet for an unspecified period, but she mentions being 4 weeks away from her plastic surgery, implying she’s been on it for some time.

Amy found non-weight-related benefits like increased happiness and improved self-image, saying she’s “never more grateful” for who she is now. She is notably happier and more comfortable in her body. Amy says, “Never more grateful every day for who I am now and how much better everything is when you’re happy in your own body,” highlighting her positive experience with OMAD.
9. Becca
This is Becca, who’s rockin’ it 7 months post-op and dropped 89 pounds sticking to one meal a day. Besides the weight loss, she’s been vibing with benefits like increased energy and better focus.

She’s not only lost weight but is also flaunting improved muscle tone and energy levels. But it ain’t all sunshine; she’s had to deal with constant cravings and occasional nutrient deficiencies. People who’ve tried OMAD often say stuff like, “It’s tough but the results are worth the struggle.”
10. Teresa
Teresa is someone who felt overwhelmed by societal expectations and took a step back to reevaluate her life choices. She stuck with the OMAD (One Meal A Day) diet long enough to experience significant weight loss. OMAD helped her in more ways than just dropping pounds; she also reported a decline in anxiety and mood swings.

In terms of physical changes, she lost 80 lbs, but she didn’t specifically mention muscle tone or clear skin. As for less obvious changes, Teresa didn’t dive into things like improved posture or skin texture, so we’re in the dark there. The struggles? Well, she faced depression, anxiety, panic attacks, and more before making her lifestyle change.
As for what others have to say about OMAD, feedback varies, but some folks love how it simplifies meal planning and boosts mental clarity.
11. Leanne
Leanne’s been super dedicated to her weight loss journey, using OMAD (One Meal A Day) and even getting some plastic surgery to help her out. She’s been on the OMAD diet for almost 2 years and has lost over 180 pounds, which is pretty darn impressive.

Beyond weight loss, OMAD helped her mentally, kinda like “removing the skin” from her mind, making her feel more confident and resilient. Physically, we’re talking about a complete transformation—massive weight loss, improved muscle definition, and better mood.
The road wasn’t all smooth sailing, though; common struggles usually involved dealing with hunger and adjusting to such a restricted eating window. According to Leanne, the key to her success was a combo of determination, resilience, and trust in the process, not to mention the role her surgeries played in keeping her motivated.
12. Barbara
Barbara’s someone who was struggling with her health and waistline, but found a way to change her life through the OMAD diet. She’s been on the OMAD train for a good while now and lost a whopping 50 pounds. Beyond the scale, Barbara’s noticed more energy and better emotional well-being—she’s just vibing differently.

She lost 50 pounds, got her muscle tone back in the game, and her skin’s looking like she’s got an Instagram filter on 24/7. It’s not just about the obvious stuff; Barbara’s standing taller with improved posture and her skin appearance is smoother than in a jazz tune. The first few weeks were tough, Barabara says, but she pushed through like a champ. “Thank you for the miracle,” says Barbara, and that pretty much sums up how she feels about OMAD.
13. Brittni
Brittni is a gal who was at a crossroads between pursuing law school and focusing on her health; she chose the latter and adopted the OMAD (One Meal A Day) diet. She’s been on the OMAD diet for nearly two years now.

Brittni found that OMAD made her life “A LOT more clear” and improved her mental health, allowing her to be genuinely happy. She was “SCARED” to take a different path and focus on her health, indicating that fear and uncertainty were her main struggles before committing to OMAD. Brittni says, “If you aren’t healthy, you can’t show up as your best self in any aspect of life,” capturing the essence of why she chose and sticks with OMAD.
14. Emma
Emma’s a skeptic turned believer who gave one meal a day a try. She stuck with it for a solid 10 days, dropping an impressive 18 pounds in the process.

While she didn’t share any details on non-weight-related benefits, in her Instagram post she mentioned that OMAD helps her to increase mental clarity and improve digestion. As for changes, she saw a major weight loss—no word on muscle tone or skin clarity.
Emma, herself, highly recommends OMAD, saying it “really does work” and is “backed up by science and research.”
15. Angelena
Angelena is a 41-year-old who’s been on a wellness journey using the One Meal a Day (OMAD) diet. She stuck with OMAD for quite a while, long enough to see a transformation not just in weight but in her lifestyle and mindset. Apart from dropping pounds, she felt perks like better focus and increased energy levels.

On the physical side, she experienced weight loss, improved strength tone, and better sleep. But it ain’t just about the obvious; she also noticed her posture got better. As for the struggles, it’s the usual suspects: dealing with occasional cravings for sweets, socializing with friends, and staying consistent. Angelena, just like many people who’ve tried OMAD, says things like “It taught me discipline”.
How sustainable are the results seen in OMAD Before And After images?
OMAD before and after images might show dramatic short-term results, but they’re not a surefire indicator of long-term sustainability. According to a Healthcare (Basel) review by Chrysi Koliaki and colleagues from the National Kapodistrian University of Athens, the key to long-term weight loss is a balanced, sustainable diet tailored to individual needs. So, while OMAD can offer quick wins, maintaining those results long-term is more complex and varies from person to person.
When is the best time to do OMAD?
Based on a study led by Scott Griffiths from the University of Melbourne, the best time to do OMAD (or any diet) is likely in the Spring. This study, published in Body Image, crunched data from 564 million tweets and found about 30% of diet-related hashtags popped up in Spring. That’s roughly 64,000 more hashtags than in Autumn/Fall, and about 32,000 more than in summer and winter. So, if you’re looking to ride the wave of seasonal motivation, Spring is your go-to season to kick off OMAD.
How much weight can you lose on OMAD during the summer months?
The amount of weight you can lose on OMAD during the summer depends on various factors like your starting weight, activity level, and the types of foods you eat. When it comes to “How much weight can you lose on OMAD,” some folks report losing an average of 1-2 pounds per week when sticking to the diet. So, for a three-month summer, you could potentially drop around 12 to 24 pounds if you’re consistent and mindful of your eating.
When is the best time to take an ‘after’ OMAD photo?
The best time to snap an ‘after’ OMAD photo is first thing in the morning, ideally right after you wake up and hit the bathroom. You’ll have fasted overnight, so you’re seeing yourself in a “baseline” state without food or water bloat. Plus, natural morning light can give you the most flattering and accurate visuals.