Peloton is stepping into the ring with a brand new boxing program – Get Hooked, as well as a new cardio category called “shadowboxing”.
In this article, I will cover everything there is to know about peloton boxing and what to expect.

As a whole, the peloton does have 60 shadowboxing classes, as well as a 2-week intense boxing program – Get Hooked. This is a full-body workout that not only burns lots of calories but also teaches you basic moves like footwork, self-defense, shadowboxing, and more.
Plus, it also has several cardio classes that do include high-calorie burn elements from kickboxing and boxing (more on that later).
Peloton Boxing Program Review
As a whole, the Get Hooked peloton boxing is 14 days program available in the peloton app. This is a combination of 14 classes that range from 5 to 30 minutes and are suitable for all levels of fitness.
This is a high-calorie burn bodyweight training plan delivered by some of the hardest peloton instructors including Kendall Toole, Selena Samuela, and Rad Lopez.
What I like
In general, the peloton boxing program is effective because it combines high-intensity cardio with boxing moves like jabs, hooks, and kicks. It also incorporates stretching and core training.
What I love about the new peloton boxing workout plan is it uses the progressive overload method.
This basically means that each week the workout is getting more difficult.
In the first week, you work on the basics of boxing (technique), and the second week is all about shadow boxing (cardio).
What I dislike
The only downside of this program is it only takes 2 weeks and the second week is only 3 days of boxing.
If you want to do more boxing classes, you can only join the single shadow boxing classes available in the “cardio” category.
Peloton Boxing Workout Schedule

This program is divided into two sections.
The first week is an introduction to boxing. Most of the classes are about teaching you the proper technique, footwork, and breathing pattern.
Peloton Get Hooked week 1
Here is the full schedule of the peloton boxing workout week 1.
Weekday | Peloton class |
Monday | 20 min Boxing Basics |
Tuesday | 20 min Boxing Basics Combinations |
Wednesday | 20 min Boxing Basics Footwork |
Thursday | 20 min Boxing Basics Defense |
Friday | 20 min Boxing Basics |
Saturday | – |
Sunday | – |
As you can see, the first week is completely focused on getting you prepared with the elements of boxing.
Each class is different and helps you get more comfortable with this sport.
This week you will learn how to use your core in the boxing stance (also called orthodox stance), and how to control your moves with a good balance.
Learning a boxing stance is nothing new.
If you attended any boxing school, every coach and trainer always starts from this practice because it’s a foundation of both defense and offense.
A good boxing stance helps you not only to generate more power with punches but also protects you from the strikes of the opponent.
However, please remember that peloton Get Hooked is not a professional boxing program. This is more about fun and variety, rather than making you a “fighter”.
Peloton Get Hooked week 2
Here is the workout schedule for week 2.
Weekday | Peloton class |
Monday | 5 min Full Body Warmup 30 min Shadowboxing 5 min Full Body Stretch |
Tuesday | – |
Wednesday | 5 min Full Body Warmup 30 min Shadowboxing 5 min Full Body Stretch |
Thursday | – |
Friday | 5 min Full Body Warmup 30 min Shadowboxing 5 min Full Body Stretch |
Saturday | – |
Sunday | – |
As you can see, the second week has fewer training days, but each day is packed with 3 classes.
Peloton Shadowboxing
Overall, the peloton added their 6th cardio class type called shadowboxing, which features over 60 new classes that range from 10 to 30 minutes.
In a nutshell.
- Shadowboxing is a full-body peloton cardio class that uses punches, hooks, kicks, and jabs.
- It looks like sparring with an imaginary rival, without hitting the bag with gloves, mitts, or pads.
In other words, it’s like mimicking real-life fight scenarios, but without any opponent.
What I like
What I love about peloton shadowboxing is they combine bodyweight workout routines with motivating music from Eminem (which is great to get focused while training).
I also like doing this workout becasue it not only increases my heart rate but also helps to reduce stress and practice boxing moves.
What I dislike
One drawback of this workout is the difficulty level.
So far, the peloton only has a handful of classes that range from beginner to intermediate level. It does not offer advanced boxing workouts.
That being said, peloton shadowboxing is effective because it provides an alternative to bodyweight cardio that is fun and challenging.
So try it and let me know in the comments how it went.
What about Peloton kickboxing classes?
In general, the peloton doesn’t have kickboxing classes available in the app. However, you can find some HIIT cardio with the elements of kickboxing.
In fact, one of the peloton instructors, Selena Samuela, is famously known for adding multiple martial arts moves into her workout routines.
I personally like boxing because it’s a great way to work on your cardio and conditioning. In the typical boxing class, you would see a mix of high-intensity components like jumping rope, burpees, jabs, and kicks.
But you also see regular exercises like squats, twists, lunges, and bear crawls.
Is Peloton boxing a good cardio workout?
As a whole, peloton boxing is a good cardio workout because it engages your whole body and keeps the heart rate high.
A good boxing class will have minimal rest time and includes a lot of leg work, high knee kicks, jabs, or even plyometrics.
In fact, boxing and kickboxing fitness classes are some of the most popular workouts in gyms. Not only does it burn a lot of calories, but also it helps to de-stress and down-regulate.
Case study
Ibrahim Ouergui, Ph.D., a researcher from the University of Jendouba in Tunisia, says that “5-week kickboxing training (3 hours per week) can significantly improve muscle power, aerobic capacity, anaerobic fitness, flexibility, speed, and agility.”
Below you can see the results from a 5-week study conducted by Dr. Ouergui.

On the left side, you see the kickboxing group and the before and after results.
On the right side, you see the control group and the before and after results.
As you can see, 5 weeks of kickboxing training significantly improved flexibility and speed, compared to controls.
Is Boxing better than the gym?
This will depend on your fitness goals.
Overall, boxing isn’t better than the gym because gym workouts with weights help to stimulate muscle protein synthesis and muscle growth in the most optimal way.
They also increase metabolic rate and lean body mass more efficiently than boxing.
However, when it comes to cardio and health, boxing is a great alternative for people who cannot run or perform too many peloton HIIT and Tabata workouts because of bad knees or back.
Not only it is more fun, but also more challenging.
Of course, there are different types of boxing classes.
One class that is more like aerobic choreography includes elements of boxing. The other one is done in the boxing gym.
Boxing in the fitness club
Peloton shadow boxing classes are similar to those that you see in fitness clubs. The most common example that’s been known worldwide is Les Mills, BodyCombat.
Les Mills BodyCombat is a series of aerobic classes with music that mimics boxing, kickboxing, karate, and other martial arts moves.
Those classes start with basic steps and each element adds to the whole choreography. The moves are typically done to the rhythm and there is no rest in between.
Here is the example of Les Mills BodyCombat.
As you can see, there are a lot of kickboxing moves that go in sync with the music. I enjoy this type of workout better than a regular aerobic class.
Not only does it burn calories but it’s also fun to do.
Boxing in the boxing gym
Another type of boxing class is the actual fighting lessons in the boxing school. Here, the classes mainly work on technique combined with cardio elements and sparing with pads and mitts.
A good boxing school will have an instructor who is a former boxer and emphasize a good portion of the training on correct form, footwork, punching technique, stance, guard, and more.
In this type of class, there is not much choreography or music.
Instead, there is a set curriculum where you learn skills and build on them before you’re ready to have a sparring fight with other people in the class.
Also, the gym itself is typically equipped with boxing accessories like punching bags and fighting rings.
Here is an example of a boxing class in the boxing gym.
As you can see, there is a lot of skill training, agility drills, footwork, speed, and technique. This class is not about burning calories but more about learning how to punch and kick.
Is Peloton going to add more boxing?
As a whole, the peloton is going to add more boxing classes to their library because they just launched a new shadowboxing class category.
However, it is unclear if the company plan to sell boxing machines, accessories, or hardware.
I believe that peloton shadowboxing is a good addition to the peloton app classes as a separate category because, just like with yoga, and boxing you don’t need extra additional accessories.
There are some companies like Liteboxer or FightCamp that launched their flagship boxing at-home equipment that allows you to punch the punching board while being connected to the app.
However, in my opinion, it is better to get a regular punching bag. I’ve already covered all the differences between peloton and fightcamp in my article here.
- The peloton is stepping into the ring with more boxing content.
- It is still not clear if the peloton will launch a hardware machine, or even branded punching bag.
- Also, if you want to find some peloton classes that have elements of kickboxing, some of the Selene cardio workouts include a lot of kicks, jabs, hooks, and other fighting elements.